valid as on 02/03/2025

2.18.28. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021

(1) A meeting of the committee shall be convened by giving not less than three days‘ notice in writing to every participant, at the address provided to the resolution professional by the creditor.

(2) The committee may reduce the notice period from three days to such other period of not less than twenty-four hours, as it deems fit:

Provided that the committee may reduce the period to such other period of not less than forty-eight hours if there is any authorised representative in the committee.

Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021 dated 09.04.2021. To view the notification, Click Here.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021 dated 09.04.2021

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