valid as on 02/03/2025

2.18.15. Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021

On examination of , the resolution professional shall-

(i) ascertain class(es) of creditors, if any;

(ii) for representation of creditors in a class ascertained under sub-regulation (1) in the committee, identify three insolvency professionals who are-

(a) not relatives or related parties of the applicant or the resolution professional;

(b) having their addresses, as registered with the Board, in the State or Union territory, as the case may be, which has the highest number of creditors in the class as per their addresses in the records of the corporate debtor:

Provided that where such State or Union territory does not have adequate number of insolvency professionals, the insolvency professionals having addresses in a nearby State or Union territory, as the case may be, shall be considered;

(c) eligible to be appointed under regulation 7; and

(d) willing to act as authorised representative of creditors in the class;

(iii) obtain the consent of the insolvency professionals identified under sub-regulation (2) to act as the authorised representative of creditors in the class in ;

(iv) seek choice of the creditors in the class for an insolvency professional, who has consented under sub-regulation (3):

Provided that the creditors shall communicate their choice to the resolution professional within three days;

(v) select the insolvency professional, who is the choice of the highest number of creditors in the class to act as the authorised representative of the creditors of the respective class.

(vi) inform the name of the insolvency professional selected under sub-regulation (5), along with his consent in Form P5, to the applicant.

Inserted vide Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021 dated 09.04.2021. To view the notification, Click Here.
To view the Form included in the Schedule, Click Here.
To view the Form included in the Schedule, Click Here.

Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021 dated 09.04.2021

SCHEDULE – Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Pre-packaged Insolvency Resolution Process) Regulations, 2021

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