valid as on 02/03/2025

2.13.33:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Employees’ Service) Regulations, 2017

33. Extraordinary leave.

(1) Extraordinary Leave may be granted in exceptional circumstances to an employee when no other leave is due or admissible to him:

Provided that the duration of extraordinary leave shall not exceed 90 days on any one occasion and 360 days during the entire service.

(2) Extraordinary leave may be granted in combination with, or in continuation of leave of any other kind admissible to the employee.

(3) The period of Extraordinary leave shall not counted for service benefits and increments:

Provided that, in cases where the authority competent to sanction leave is satisfied that the leave was taken because of illness or for any other cause beyond the employee’s control, it may direct that the period of extraordinary leave may count for increments.

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