valid as on 12/03/2025

2.1.3:Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professional Agencies) Regulations, 2016.

Eligibility for registration.

No person shall be eligible for registration as an insolvency professional agency unless it is a company registered under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, and –

(a) its sole object is to carry on the functions of an insolvency professional agency under the Code;

(b) it has bye-laws and governance structure in accordance with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Model Bye-Laws and Governing Board of Insolvency Professional Agencies) Regulations, 2016;

(c) it has a minimum net worth of ten crore rupees;

(d) it has a paid-up share capital of five crore rupees;

(e) it is not under the control of any person resident outside India;

(f) not more than forty-nine per cent. of its share capital is held, directly or indirectly, by persons resident outside India;

(g) it is not a subsidiary of a body corporate through more than one layer; and

(h) the applicant, its promoters, its directors and its shareholders are fit and proper persons.

Explanation 1.- For the purposes of clause (g), “layer” in relation to a body corporate means its subsidiary.

Explanation 2.- For determining whether a person is fit and proper under clause (h), the Board may take into account any consideration as it deems fit, including but not limited to the following criteria, namely: –

(i) integrity, reputation and character,
(ii) absence of conviction and restraint orders,
(iii) competence including financial solvency and net worth.

(2) No person shall at any time, directly or indirectly, either individually or together with persons acting in concert, acquire or hold more than five per cent. of the paid-up equity share capital in an insolvency professional agency:

Provided that-

(i) a stock exchange;
(ii) a depository;
(iii) a banking company;
(iv) an insurance company;
(v) a public financial institution; and
(vi) a multilateral financial institution,

may, acquire or hold, directly or indirectly, either individually or together with persons acting in concert, up to fifteen per cent. of the paid-up equity share capital of an insolvency
professional agency:

Provided further that-
(i) the Central Government;
(ii) a State Government; and
(iii) a statutory regulator,

may, acquire or hold, directly or indirectly, up to hundred per cent. of the paid-up equity share capital of an insolvency professional agency.

3. No person shall be eligible to be registered as an insolvency professional agency unless it is a company registered under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, and –

(a) its sole object is to carry on the functions of an insolvency professional agency under the Code;

(b) it has bye-laws and governance structure in accordance with the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Model Bye-Laws and Governing Board of Insolvency Professional Agencies), 2016;

(c) it has a minimum net worth of ten crore rupees;

(d) it has a paid-up share capital of five crore rupees,

(e) it is not under the control of person(s) resident outside India,

(f) not more than 49% of its share capital is held, directly or indirectly, by persons resident outside India; and

(g) it is not a subsidiary of a body corporate through more than one layer: Explanation: “layer” in relation to a body corporate means its subsidiary;

(h) itself, its promoters, its directors and persons holding more than 10% of its share capital are fit and proper persons.

Explanation: For determining whether a person is fit and proper under these Regulations, the Board may take account of any consideration as it deems fit, including but not limited to the following criteria-

(i) integrity, reputation and character,

(ii) absence of convictions and restraint orders, and

(iii) competence including financial solvency and net worth.

Substituted vide the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professional Agencies) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 11.10.2018. To view the Notification, Click Here

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Professional Agencies) (Amendment) Regulations, 2018 dated 11.10.2018

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