valid as on 02/03/2025

17.1.17-Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017

17. Procedure to be followed for cancellation or suspension of registration or recognition certificate.─

(1) Based on the findings of an inspection or investigation, or a complaint received or on material otherwise available on record, if the authorised officer is of the prima facie opinion that sufficient cause exists to cancel or suspend the registration of a valuer or cancel or suspend the recognition of a registered valuers organisation, it shall issue a show-cause notice to the valuer or registered valuers organisation,:

Provided that in case of an organisation referred to in clause (ii) of sub-rule (1) of rule 12 which has been granted recognition, the authorised officer shall, instead of carrying out inspection or investigation, seek the information required from the registered valuers organisation within the time specified therein and in the case of a default, give one more opportunity to provide the information within specified time failing which or in the absence of sufficient or satisfactory information provided, either initiate the process under this rule or refer the matter to the Central Government for appropriate directions.

(2) The show-cause notice shall be in writing and shall state-

(a) the provisions of the Act and rules under which it has been issued;

(b) the details of the alleged facts;

(c) the details of the evidence in support of the alleged facts;

(d) the provisions of the Act or rules or certificate of registration or recognition allegedly violated, or the manner in which the public interest has allegedly been affected;

(e) the actions or directions that the   proposes to take or issue if the allegations are established;

(f) the manner in which the person is required to respond to the show-cause notice;

(g) consequences of failure to respond to the show-cause notice within the given time; and

(h) procedure to be followed for disposal of the show-cause notice.

(3) The show-cause notice shall be served in the following manner by-

(a) sending it to the valuer or registered valuers organisation at its registered address by registered post with acknowledgment due; or

(b) an appropriate electronic means to the email address provided by the valuer or registered valuers organisation to the authority.

(4) The authorised officer shall dispose of the show-cause notice by reasoned order in adherence to the principles of natural justice.

(5) The order in disposal of a show-cause notice may provide for-

(a) no action;

(b) warning; or

(c) suspension or cancellation of the registration or recognition; or

(d) change in any one or more partner or director or the governing board of the registered valuers organisation.

(6) An order passed under sub-rule (5) cancelling the recognition of a registered valuers organisation, shall specify the time within which its members may take membership of another registered valuers organisation recognised for valuation of relevant asset class without prejudice to their registration.

(7) The order passed under sub-rule (5) shall be issued to the concerned person immediately, and published on the website of the authority.

(8) The order passed under sub-rule (5) shall not become effective until thirty days have elapsed from the date of issue of the order unless stated otherwise.

(9) Any person aggrieved by an order of the authorised officer under sub-rule (5) may prefer an appeal before the authority.

Explanation.─ For the purposes of this rule, the authorised officer shall be an officer as may be specified by the authority.

Central Government have delegated powers under section 247 to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India vide notification dated 23.10.2017. To view the notification, Click Here

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