valid as on 02/03/2025

17.1.13-Companies (Registered Valuers and Valuation) Rules, 2017

13. Application for recognition.─

(1) An eligible organisation which meets the conditions specified in rule 12 may make an application for recognition as a registered valuers organisation for asset class or classes to the in of the Annexure-II alongwith a non-refundable application fee of rupees one lakh in favour of the authority.

(2) The authority shall examine the application, and may grant twenty-one days to the applicant to remove the deficiencies, if any, in the application.

(3) The authority may require the applicant to submit additional documents or clarification within twenty-one days.

(4) The authority may require the applicant to appear, within twenty-one days, before the Authority through its authorised representative for explanation or clarifications required for processing the application.

(5) If the authority is satisfied, after such scrutiny, inspection or inquiry as it deems necessary that the applicant is eligible under these rules, it may grant a certificate of recognition as a registered valuers organisation in of Annexure-II.

(6) If, after considering an application made under sub-rule (1), the authority is of the prima facie opinion that recognition ought not to be granted, it shall communicate the reasons for forming such an opinion within forty-five days of receipt of the application, excluding the time given by it for removing the deficiencies, presenting additional documents or clarifications, or appearing through authorised representative, as the case may be.

(7) The applicant shall submit an explanation as to why its application should be accepted within fifteen days of the receipt of the communication under sub- rule (6), to enable the authority to form a final opinion.

(8) After considering the explanation, if any, given by the applicant under sub- rule (7), the authority shall either –

(a) accept the application and grant the certificate of recognition; or

(b) reject the application by an order, giving reasons thereof.

(9) The authority shall communicate its decision to the applicant within thirty days of receipt of explanation.

Central Government have delegated powers under section 247 to the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India vide notification dated 23.10.2017. To view the notification, Click Here
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